We drove down to
Newcomb yesterday to see the driveway that was just finished on our retirement property/
nest-egg/camp...it's a bit less than 2 acres of waterfront on
Goodnow Flow. We purchased the empty lot a while ago, and it has taken us a while to get the driveway put in, put now it is essentially finished (minus a final layer of gravel on top)...above, you can see Ben playing with a big stick that he used to build a bridge between these 2 big rocks...the driveway is curling around some land contours behind him from left to right...

On our arrival, we
surprised a huge rabbit down by the water's edge, and found lots of deer poop...and on our way back out to the car, we found enormous deer prints overlaying our footprints...

Ben had fun deconstructing a rotted stump down near the water's edge...

Gail already has a favorite sitting-rock...we spent some time planning where we're going to put a tiny cabin and a lean-to...

This is our
shoreline to the left, all the way out to the point...

This is a tiny island directly off of our property...a dock will extend from my feet as I'm taking this picture out towards the island, and we'll clear out a tiny boat-launch/beach at my feet...

This is our view to the right...there are some houses in our view, but not many...

Gail and Ben enjoying a glacial erratic about 50 feet back from the water...

I like this rock-grabbing birch...

Cool fungus...

Busy bug-eating birds must be plentiful in the woods hear...these woods are more diverse and open than those surrounding our house in Lake Clear, and we look forward to exploring them (and the 14,000 acres the association leases) in the coming months and years...we drove back to Long Lake for lunch, the
Newcomb VIC is just 5 minutes from this new spot, and enjoyed another great lunch at the Long Lake Diner (which Ben has renamed "Woods" because of the decor)...after lunch, despite the nasty-cold rain, we stopped off at the little playground near the Long Lake War Memorial before driving home...
We're obviously very excited about the land down in
more so now that there's a driveway giving us non-bushwhacking access to the land and water, and look forward to enjoying it as a family and sharing it with our family and friends...it opens up a whole new part of the
Adks to us (in terms of being a
basecamp for overnight excursions into the central region), as well as being a (hopefully) solid place to let our retirement savings grow over time...
More to come as we continue to explore and improve the spot...
NOTE: we have not as yet established a name for the place yet, as the pressure to come up with clever/cute names is overwhelming at present...any and all suggestions will be taken under advisement
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