Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Skiing at Pisgah with Ben

Ben and I went to Mount Pisgah this afternoon...it was a beautiful day...sunny and high 20s...

He was a little nervous after so long a time since our last skiing afternoon, but he got back into the swing of things pretty quickly...

There were very few people on the mountain, which suited us just fine...short lines at the T-bar, and no zoomers coming down the mountain

He fell a bunch of times, but was a good sport about it...

It was a beautiful afternoon, the light on the mountains and the setting sun blew us away, and we kept taking runs until we were both a bit tired, and fell once too many times...that's ok, we'll live to ski another day...

On the way home we stopped in to pick up some subs at Jreck Subs, a tradition that we started last year, and still enjoy...


Anonymous said...

Kids really love skiing... He is so cute!!

Jeff D. said...

Great reading this, you guys are having too much fun and that is good to see.

Jaywreck Subs...mmmmmm!! I used to stop at the one in Watertown on those 'border hopping' trips. Hot Italian meatball. I'm in the process of getting my Passport updated. If for nothing else than a trip to J's.

Ended up here from your link on ZS.

Diesel2...aka Jeff

Thanks for the tour!! It was fun!