We played some Clue jr., and hung out and talked about my grandmother (who passed away during that week) and just enjoyed family...

Miles came down with us, and with the space and lack deep snow he had a great time running and playing and meeting my parents and his Anti-Sarah...

Cedar, the grumpy old man, also came down with us, and had a fun weekend, since Miles left him alone a bit and played with Maggie...

The dogs were a bit worried when Ben went into the barn, and interrupted play to keep and eye on him and make sure that he was OK...

Miles and Maggie had a lot of fun playing together, inside and outside...Miles has great and floppy ears...

He likes to leap and jump in the snow...

Muz never feeds dogs at the table...

The other night, there was a concert at Petrova, the school in Saranac Lake that Ben is attending this year...The 2nd graders started off the show, and Principal Dan introduced them...

The whole 2nd grade was on the stage and sang 3 songs together...it was wonderful!
Here's a video of one of the songs:
It was a great time!
Miles and I went out for a walk this morning once it had climbed to almost 0 degrees, he loved running around in the cold and found these hibernating canoes and kayaks to be an interesting site...
He had a super time chasing after the great smells in the woods, and burrowing in the snow for mice and such...
When we got back inside, he took a nap on the couch with Bruce...
Just came across your blog...Miles is so cute. My dogs would LOVE to be in your neck of the woods this winter...they miss the snow.
Awsome photo's ur dogs are so gorgeous!!
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