Sunday, February 11, 2007

Not jesus on a tortilla, but...

You may or may not be aware of the miraculous appearance of Jesus on a tortilla in Mexico in 1978 (although you can find out more than you need about it at I noticed a similarly miraculous image in my bathroom yesterday, and had to share it with the world...

In a corner of my bathroom, near the ceiling, there is some wallpaper of questionable taste showing a bucolic cottage...we got the wallpaper along with the house, we didn't dislike the wallpaper as much as we liked the house...

The miracle is that the spider living in the corner near the ceiling, likely Achaearanea Tepidariorum, made a nest or built a spider landfill in the perfect spot and configuration to approximate smoke coming out of the chimney of the tacky-wallpaper cottage...

I've alerted the media, but they have not, as yet, arrived to report on the miracle of Lake Clear.


Gail Gibson Sheffield said...

Never fear faithful blog readers... the ceiling has been cleaned after the art was documented.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I CANNOT believe it! This photo of the bucolic cottage wallpaper, as you call it, is my lovely kitchen wall paper of the English thatched cottage border and that is me, watering my flowers. We even have the same wallpaper below the border. I have loved this wallpaper forever. :-)