Saturday, May 17, 2008


It seemed to be a long week for me...I don't begrudge getting up to walk Penny, but it does cut into the number of high-quality ZZZs I manage to accumulate during the course of the work-week...we watched "The Adirondacks", on PBS on Wednesday night (until 11pm!, which is late for was worth it!)...I had lots of meetings at work this week ( a necessary but unfortunate part of my job, I would prefer to be in the classroom working with my students), which resulted in some student discipline issues...long weeks happen, even in nearly perfect jobs in paradise...

On to the Penny Pictures...

Penny and Cedar are working out their relationship day by day...there are still some growls and tense moments during mealtimes, but they continue to explore their shared love for sleeping on couches, an area in which they are in complete agreement...

After Penny's first morning walk (around 4:30am) I often bring her in to snuggle and sleep with Ben for a bit...I took this picture in the dark, and the flash filled it in quite nicely, although the focus is a bit soft...

She woke up for a second when the flash went off...Ben did not...although she has creepy eyes in this picture, the focus and cuteness is a little better...

Couch-napping training session #47b...Penny snores so beautifully that you might think that generations of chocolate labs were selectively bred just to yield the cute buzzing and gurgling sounds that we are treated to every time she dozes off...

The above isn't a great picture because of the extreme distance and the limitations of our cameras, but I wanted to include it because of the fun that Ben and Penny were having together, playing on the field in back of our house...they chased back and forth in the long grass until the bugs of dusk drove us inside...poor Penny has a lot of bites on her perfect puppy tummy, bugs seem to find it yummy...

1 comment:

mllewang said...

i think they call that "laser puppie eyez!"