Sunday, October 26, 2008


We started swimming lessons with Ben this week, coincidentally on a freezing cold night with our first serious snowfall...

I didn't bring the camera to the swim lesson, so I found this picture to stimulate your imagination about Ben giving his all in the pool at Paul Smiths...

Last night, I made a batch of yogurt from scratch, just to try it, and tried out a couple of flavors this morning when Penny-Terrific got up...honey was a natural choice...

I also tried a batch of bacon-flavored yogurt...yummy!

When Ben rolled out of bed, I put together a bowl of blueberry yogurt for a part of his breakfast...

He was a bit nervous about trying it at first, but really liked the flavor and texture after he got used to it...

This morning we watched "Speed Racer", a hyper-colored, nearly cartoonified racing movie with good guys, bad guys, fast-driving, and big booms...

After lunch, we went over and picked up Ben's friend Jacob for a playdate over at the Petrova School Playground for a couple of hours...

It's a really fun playground, with lots of different elements and challenges for kids of all ages to play on, and with a color-scheme not unlike "Speed Racer"...

They ran around like crazed monkeys for a couple of hours, sometimes playing "Star Wars" (as shown above in a face-off of Jedi Knights), and sometimes just chasing or climbing or sliding...

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