Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Show

Yesterday we went over to Ben's little school in Lake Clear to see Ben put on a great show with his was a series of historical lessons put on by the assembled 6 year-olds about the Pilgrims and their neighbors, the Wampanoag people...

If Ken Burns had paper costumes and oozed cuteness from every pore, he still would not have put on as great a show as these kids...

Ben performed 2 of the "lessons" with friends of identifying/introducing the Wampanoag people and one illustrating their methods of fishing with spears...

At the end of the performance, the whole 1st grade got up and sang a nice song of Thanksgiving...

This morning, we headed up to Montreal for a couple of days of family fun...we're swamped, almost exhausted, by Ben-instigated reflections on things that we have to be thankful for...he's certainly right, in that we are lucky and happy beyond our due...

Thanks to all of you for being a part of our family and friends!

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